my memories
Monday, May 29, 2006
I still can't stop whacking people. I think it's become some sort of conditioned reflex action. (check your bio books if you don't know what that is) I even whacked Ms En like, 3-5 times? and Mr Lun once yesterday- hard- except I don't think he felt anything. (it really wasn't my fault! he was asking me to kiss his butt!) I guess I should resolve to say sorry every time I whack too. Might as well, seeing as it's going to take a while before I actually stop whacking. But hey, this means I need help!!!! SO HELP ME! Instigating me to whack you is not helping. It's not. If I do raise my hand to whack, then grab it or something. Then again, even I don't know when I'm going to whack. It's an automatic reaction now. I gotta try to change it to manual. XD
right, and today was my Chinese O level paper! Thank the Lord it was easier than expected, except for the open-ended comprehension. That was annoying because they kept asking for meanings and implications and my opinion. I also woke up this morning with baaad cramps. No fun I tell you. If you wanna know what it feels like, take a knife and plunge it into your abdomen, then twist it, take it out for a while, and plunge it back in. Yeah, and make sure the knife is sharp.
So anyway, it was really bad. I arrived in school and just sat at my usual place. I couldn't move. I started praying that at least for the duration of paper 1 and 2 there will be no cramps. Naomi was nice enough to get a cup of hot milo for me, and everyone kept asking if I was okay. I think I looked sick or something. Thank God he answered my prayers. There were no cramps! I only needed the loo during paper 1. So this is my thanksgiving for today. Except he really really answered my prayers and allowed the cramp to come back full force after paper 2. Sweet. Oh well, thank the Lord anyway!
4:34 PM
mmm... yummy
Friday, May 26, 2006
well! two rather interesting things happened today! at least something to blog about anyway. i'll start with school, considering the fact that it supposedly the last day of school for the term. it's also founder's day! so our school celebrated both occasions by holding... mass. that's not all though, the MGD girls from India also put up a farewell performance for us by dancing 3 kinds of traditional Indian dances. it was pretty cool. But before that we had a half hour history lesson on our founder Father Nicholas Barre, and Cheryl and a few girls played some christian songs to worship God.
Right, better not get carried away. I mentioned Cheryl and her friends because a mini spiritual lesson while I was sitting there watching Cheryl. A group of girls sitting beside my class were actually mocking the miniture praise and worship! (3 songs, so i guess it's miniture) I probably would have been able to tolerate a couple of comments, but they kinda didn't stop making fun of them. I guess it was righteous anger, after all, it was a praise and worship unto God.
So yeah, I was thinking of speaking up for Cheryl and the rest... except God held my tongue. Each and every time I had the urge to say something, i just didn't. I don't know why. But in a sense, i'm kind of thankful God stopped me from saying anything. To begin with, they probably don't realise what they are doing - kind of like the pharisees and the people in Jesus' time. If I did say something, there would've been a chance i would appear as a hoity-toity religous person. Moreover, I was a teensy miffed at the time so I could have said something sarcastic and hurt their feelings. Therefore, it was good that I didn't say anything.
I also realised another thing, that as I sat there and took it, I learned humility, patience, self-control, even to love. Okay, so maybe it wasn't that much of each of those qualities, but it did build up a teensy weensy bit- I think. Humility, as I was being persecuted - in a sense. Patience and self-control, to not blow up or smack 'em or say something (that might turn out not nice). And love (I tried to anyway), because God still loves them and they probably don't realise that what they said hurt.
It's amazing how such a simple thing can be such a big lesson. It's amazing how God teaches us these things in the smallest of ways and in our everyday lives. It's just amazing.
Another highlight would be that I just watched 'Grease' the musical. It wasn't too bad i suppose. It was different from the movie though, there were added songs and the way the story flows is slightly different. I still prefer the dance moves in the movie though, but the singing was pretty good. Most of the characters looked like those in the movie, so I didn't get too lost. All in all, it was enjoyable, with the same crude/ dirty jokes. I wonder if the little kids that went understood any of the jokes. Hmm...
Haa.. anyway, it's late, I better go. Ben's birthday party tommorow! Night!
10:56 PM
mmm... yummy
Monday, May 15, 2006
there isn't really much to write nowadays. well, in my opinion there isn't, i mean, i could write about how good God is everyday... Though I doubt some of you will continue reading my blog thereafter. Haa. I should though, write about God's 'awesome-ness' daily shouldn't I? Hm... Maybe I will.
Oh yes, update on my progress from the resolution I made to myself. I've been doing okay I guess. I managed to resist hitting Mr Lun and Ms En a few times. Then I had to ruin it on Sunday by hitting Ms En and Mr Quan once each - on separate occasions of course. Urrgh... it's harder than it seems my friends! Harder than it seems! Mr Qi saw me hitting Mr Quan, and he went, " Didn't you say that.. " Well, now i know someone else who reads my blog BUT DOESN'T TAG. hmph.
you know, it's kinda weird finding out someone new who apparently reads your blog. it makes you realise all the more that the world out there is bigger than it seems, and you never know who is reading about your personal life. it's freaky cool! freakishly cool, if you wanna get all snobbish sounding, sorta.
Okay, not really.
Fine. Not a'tall.
Another announcement would be that i intend to get shoes and bag(s) for formal occasions. if you have in mind a place i could go take a look at then please let me know. why? i'm not a shopper that's why! i'm not one of those girls who shop aimlessly thanks very much. I only shop when i have a few things in mind that i need/ want to get. I shop with a PURPOSE! sorta. haa.
alright, enough of my gibberish. i better go now. turrah people!
11:33 PM
mmm... yummy
Sunday, May 07, 2006
I resolve to try and not playfully hit people because of mild (or not so mild) irritation! Let this be known to all as a motivation for this resolve!
The above mentioned was an iea that popped into my head on my birthday, I thought it'd be good to try and change a bad habit since I'm a year older. I should be growing into a better person shouldn't I? Well, i'm gonna try anyway, so there.
For those poor pitiful people who didn't know about my birthday, it was on the 3rd of May, and it will forever be on the 3rd of May. (At least, until the kingdom of heaven comes down and time longer is of any importance)
That's about all I have to put really, I still have 3 more exam papers to go. I'm quite relaxed though, not exactly panicking or running around in circles. Hmm... is that a bad thing
Oh yeah. I was going to share about today's service. Well, Dad preached about Worship today, it's purpose and the different ways of worship. One very important point was that worship is part of our everyday lives - how we live is worship unto God. As for in church, one of the things that we, the people of the church could do is to to not talk after we take our communion. Instead, we should be in prayer. So I decided to try praying instead of talking (yeah, i was one of the motormouths) and realised it's actually quite easy to pray for people. All I have to do is sit there and look around at the people queuing or those in front, wating for the pastor to go to them. Then I'd spot people that God would say "pray for them" then I just pray. It's quite cool actually, and you don't even have to know the person well, or know their situation. When God says pray, you just pray, and the words will come to you.
So yeah, that's my sharing for today. I'll be off now, g'night!
10:13 PM
mmm... yummy